8 October 2011

Saturday eve

OMG what a 24 hours it's been. Seems like the longest period ever - on the other hand, it now seems like only a few mins ago that Michael and I were nervously getting ourselves together after the call came in.

The main thing is that the op was successful and when I left Michael about 1 hour ago, he was fairly comfortable. I just didn't have the energy to stay any longer. Hated having to leave but sleep was calling.

Thankfully, kids all seem ok. A little shaky at times but conscious to always keep in touch so they hear everything first hand. Lucky we closed our bedroom door when we left last night as Aaron did get up, saw the door was closed and happily went back to sleep!

So hear I am in my student digs - blackberry in one hand, cocoa in the other. Its far from palatial but the shower's powerful and the bed's comfy. Guess I shouldn't complain.

Thank you all for your wonderful messages of support. Manage quite well to hold myself together and then I read all your lovely words and I crumble.

Sleep is beckoning - will keep you updated.

Night xx


read my blog:www.the-transplant-wife.blogspot.com

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