Started my day taking Michael's car to check the tyres. His car eats less petrol than mine so I've been using it to drive back and forth. Michael checked all the tyres a few weeks ago but one started to look a little flat yesterday. I pumped it up but thought I'd better get it checked. There I was thinking I was going to have to fork out more money but they couldn't find anything wrong with it - gave it a thorough check but found nothing. Meanwhile, he didn't even charge me for checking. Makes a change!!
So how is the patient today? Not happy. He's just fed up of feeling lousy. It's not even the pain that's getting him down. He had another unsettled night - his temperature spiked; his catheter fell out and he said his nurse wasn't quick enough!! I guess when your in such a state, nobody could be quick enough.
He had a ct scan this morning to check the collections of fluid (the ones they washed out on Sunday). He also had cultures taken yesterday. Results show he's got bugs everywhere. They've now got to take out his central line - this is to stop the bugs spreading. Means he's got to have more drugs orally; muscular (injection) or through his stomach tube, and keep going with the antibiotics. It's just something else to get Michael down.
No idea whether the op on Sunday disturbed everything - guess the more I think about it the more conclusions I could come to. I feel totally confident that they're on top of things as he really is closely monitored. Maybe it's easier being here and listening first hand to the information. Just texted my mother-in-law and I can 'hear' her panic in her text response.
They're now going to give him his last lot of lines through his central line and then take it (and some bugs away).
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