Thankfully Michael's now resting again. Had a stressy period. Enteral feed nurse came round (that's the feed that goes through a tube in the tummy directly into the stomach). His tube, which he had put in a year ago for drainage, was looking a bt clogged up so it was decided to syringe some water through it to clear it out. All very easy but then Michael, who had been sleeping, felt terribly nausias and got himself into a bit of a state. As the anti-sickness was given there was a sigh of relief (from me) and Michael went back into his dream world.
No more than 10 mins later, he again felt extremely sick, becoming more aggitated and really not knowing what to do with himself. Horrible to see someone in such a state and not really being able to do anything other than giving comforting (but useless) words. The next anti-sickness did the trick and again he's calm and resting. Not sure if the whole episode was due to the water going into the tube.
The plan of action is now to get him off the diazapan so he is more alert and can then get moving. Bit of a vicious circle - needs the pain relief, that makes him drowsy, isn't able to move, which stops gut moving, which makes him feel sick........... And so it goes on.
I'm about to leave and drive home - feeling terrible guilty. Come to the realisation though that whenever I come home, I'll feel guilty!!
Hoping I'll find him much improved on my return.
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