I know I shouldn't compare my dog and my husband but it's soooo wrong that Waffle gets diagnosed on Tuesday and he's already had his op. You'll be pleased to know he's absolutely fine - staying at the hospital overnight and then home tomorrow, where he'll need rest, a few walks on the lead and physio (don't laugh - apparently we get a list of things to do!!!!).
Meanwhile, Michael's still waiting. I feel very perturbed with the staff at Oxford. This whole thing is fairly new to them and I guess they are also learning as they go along (from an admin point of view). We were told when having all the in depth discussions that the calls can come quite quickly after going on the list and have sometimes been known to happen within a few days. That was firmly planted in our heads and we really thought it may be the case. Meanwhile, 3 weeks have passed and NOTHING!!! Michael spoke with Oxford yesterday and apparently it's been very quiet - not what they're used to. Only one organ has been offered and that was rejected because of family history. I'm sure they'll be some sort of questionnaire at the end of the whole process, and this will definitely be something I'll mention. Obviously no one could ever guess how long a wait one would have and perhaps they just should have said anytime, within say a 2 month period. So meanwhile...... here we are.
Michael really is finding every day so hard. Our walks, which really aren't getting any longer, are becoming more difficult for him and he's exhausted when we come back. Now that the weather's turned a little colder, you most probably spot him walking as he's wrapped up as if it's snowing! Managed to get away without the bobble hat today but I know he's desperate to wear as many layers as possible as he's really feeling the cold. He's just taken Lauren out wearing two sweatshirts and a fleece lined coat. I wouldn't mind, he's not even getting out the car! You'd think with all the extra weight he's put on from his feed that he'd now feel warmer but I guess when you're ill, it's just not the same.
I think it's the only time in our married life where it's him complaining that his clothes don't fit him and worrying about going up a size. It's not like I can even get any satisfaction out of it - not like he's been pigging out. It's great that he gets all the nourishment he needs, but the side effects - making him bloat out - are very uncomfortable for him. Thank goodness for Primark, he's working his way through all the size trousers!
Having just had dinner Michael and I are now having our usual Thursday night argument - who's going to pick Lauren up. I'm happy to but Michael always insists that he will do it. I know he's tired and to be honest I think he should relax. But no - he's got to feel like he's helping. I know it's cause he knows shortly he wont be able to and it'll all be left to me. To the point that it sometimes becomes laughable - whatever it is I'm going to do, Michael's there to remind me that he'll do it instead. Whether it be making myself a quick snack for lunch, hoovering, picking up the kids. Tomorrow we've obviously got to pick Waffle up. Michael's already got to go to Euston to pick up some drugs from UCH. On the way back he's popping into Golders Green to return something. No problem there, all on route but he's insistant that he can go via Barnet to pick up Waffle. I tried to emphasise the point that Barnet is not 'via' and really not on his route. It's not like I've got much in my diary that I can't pick Waffle up. I did make the boys laugh by saying that Daddy would happily go to Newcastle to pick up a packet of crisps if someone asked him. That's my husband, always willing to help!!!!!
It may sound like I'm taking it all very lightly and joking about everything but this is our life at the moment and it's better to try and see the funny side of things to keep me going. Otherwise I think I'd find myself sitting in a corner crying most of the time.
Must go - just won the battle - got to go and pick Lauren up.
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