It's a green light. Organ fine and now (in the doctor's words 'in a plastic bag) on its way here. How scary is this?
The anaesthetist has already been in to go thru everything. Nothing we hadn't heard before but as he was explaining things, I could feel my head getting lighter and that awful feeling of faintness. As he left the room, Michael and I both dashed to the bathroom - he got there first so I did the old head between the knees thing which didn't work and then just laid on the bed til the faintess and sickness passed. I've given in and just about to have a sweet cup of tea (shortest fast ever) and can u believe with all that's going on I feel guilt in having the tea?!?
A gown and stockings have just been bought in and now its just too real. Another dr here to sign the consent form. She's just beeb called away as consultant anaesthatist on phone. She was just going thru all the risks involved with surgery.
Honestly not sure what to say. Feeling a bit numb. Form all signed and now the two of us have about 40 mins till Michael's whisked off. This is it. Can't talk anymore - its all too much.
read my
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