It's now 10.40 and thankfully he's now calm. Feeling so very bloated. And doesn't know what to do with himself. Keeps getting himself into a bit of a state. Was a little bit sick but having had his anti sickness, now sleeping. He says he didn't sleep during the night and when I got here he was in the chair as that was a little more comfortable.
It's 12.20 and the morning has been a bit of a blur. Michael's only slept for short bursts and in between has been moaning in pain. I have never seen anyone move around so much in the bed. I've been doing my duties as instructed by the patient - 'bed up; bed down; ribena; lemon squash; fan on; fan off; sheet on; sheet off; sick bowel; want to sit on side of bed; want to go back to bed; And so it goes on. Just haven't had time to blog!!
The surgeon has been in and is very happy with how Michael is progressing. Obviously Michael is very polite - no groaning whatsoever. He does obviously tell him how awful he's feeling but his behaviour is impeccable!
Whilst I'm writing Michael is extremely anxious. He is about to have a scan and has to have dye (1000ml) put through his stomach tube. Half has gone in and he's feeling the sickness. He has asked for an anti sickness injection which is coming - and has been coming for around 10 mins. So he is extremely anxious. This contrast is meant to have all been put in now and no ones around, he's more fretful and I feel like running away.
Nurse now back and giving anti sickness and I guess about to put more contrast in. Michael just asked me if they could put him to sleep for a week :( Not happy now she's putting more contrast in.
Something to make u laugh. With all dignity long gone - Michael keeps going from hot to cold so the fans on and off. Now he's suffering with a very hot bottom (I guess from always sitting on it). So in one of his moments of madness, he jumps out of bed, with his fashionable gown open at the back, bottom facing door for all to see - and tells me to put the fan on to cool his bottom. Job done - and back on the bed and thankfully no one walked past.
Now he's stressed and feeling sick and I'm.... more stressed just without the sickness. Porters are here to take him to have the scan and now it's time to sort all the leads - it's all so time consuming and I know Michael just wants the scan so all the contrast can be aspirated out. Honestly, you can't imagine the tension in the room - stressed patient and wife, over stretched nurse and one calm porter.
Really need a sweet cup of tea.
read my
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