Well that's made my day - transport is coming at 2pm. One of the nurses just told us - thought I'd be clever and phone the Churchill. Unfortunately it transpires they were the ones who booked it - and 2pm was to give plenty of time if they had to do both echoes. Stressed that Michael was desperate for his anti sickness and that oramorph would go down well as it wasn't given before he left. His nurse said she'd ask the ward clerk but I'm not hopeful. Understand that transport can't be organised straight away but to sit here til 2pm is very very very frustrating (feel like screaming).
Just seems ilogical that an in-patient who's on regular drugs and feels lousy can be sent to another hospital for tests but has to wait around before getting back. So much for patients trying to relax.
Maybe I'll book a cab.
Meanwhile, Michael's still having problems with his venflon (that's apparently the new name for cannula). A new one was put in on Tuesday evening - that stopped working and a further one was put in last night. Well, the arm where he had Tuesday's in has (we've just noticed) started to go red and feels quite hot. I know the nurse mentioned yesterday that if they're left in too long you could get flubitus (not really sure what it is but know a while back my Dad had suspected dvt but it was flubitus). And now, the arm that has the venflon in it is starting to go red. But we're not back at the Churchill so we can't ask/show them. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh
read my blog:www.the-transplant-wife.blogspot.com
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