Today things really didn't go as planned. Yesterday I had to tell Lauren she was unable to go and see Daddy because of her hacking cough. She was very mature about it and understood that she really didn't want to give him her germs. The question was should I take the boys and arrange for her to be with a friend, or spend the day with Lauren and arrange for someone else to take the boys and spend the day with her. As she was so mature about it all, I arranged for her to go to a good friend.
Just as we were leaving today, Aaron was already in the car, I realised from the revolting sniff that Nathan gave, that he too had germs that he shouldn't be spreading. He was obviously devastated but there was nothing I could do. So thankfully another friend came to the rescue and Nathan was entertained for the afternoon.
Michael was fairly good today. Aaron noticed the remarkable improvement from last week. He wasn't as good as yesterday - still good but just a slightly more uncomfortable day with the sickness. Said he'd just been feeling sick all the day and the antiemetics (anti sickness) were having little effect. We saw the Surgeon who was still very positive about Michael's continued progress and also said that few patients manage to come out of hospital from bowel surgery without antiemetics (that's fine, as long as they are perhaps reduced!!).
We took Michael again to the roof garden - little bit colder than yesterday but still lovely to get some fresh air (obviously more so for Michael as I get some every day). Aaron had great fun pushing him in the wheelchair (amazing what pleases some kids!!) We also went to the cafe where we encouraged him to choose a different flavour packet of crisps. I can't tell you how much I have to fight the urge to keep offering food to him.
Guess we were only out of the room for about 40 mins - but I think it's really important to get away from that room and bed. The Surgeon has said this week we should go out every day and by go out he means out of the hospital grounds. Michael didn't seem too sure but I've said we'll go in the car to Headington and then I can push him around the shops in the wheelchair. I know he feels it's too much but when he comes home we've got an hour car journey, so this will be a doddle. Can see that the Surgeon sees the benefit of getting out of the hospital environment. I'm quite looking forward to it, even though I know Michael's not going to be smiling as much as I am on Monday.
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