Tiredness has hit and I feel I could sleep for hours. I'll try and keep you updated in as quick a time as possible.
I was hoping to find Michael better that I did today but was a little disappointed. He was sleeping when we arrived and it was lovely to see a little grin on his face when he did wake up. He'd had a fairly good night with no temperature spikes. When we were there though he was extremely cold and was swaddled in blankets - a few thin hospital ones and 3 of our own thick ones. At one point he was sick (never seen the kids move out the room so quickly) but nothing much to bring uo startp.
Surgeon said yesterday he's happy for Michael to start sipping a little, suck on sweets and maybe even have an ice cream. The sipping he's happy to do. We did buy him and icecream today - did have a couple of licks but was more worried he would be sick rather than actually feeling sick. Nathan was though happy to finish it for him. The enteral feed is going well - still on 60ml per hour with a couple of hours break every day. Looks like he won't now need tpn at all (I hope!).
We did manage a walk today - I know he also had one this morning. Guess that's the problem if no one is up with him - no one there to encourage him to have a walk. The nurses obviously don't have time to take him on a stroll down the corridor.
Really don't think there's much else of any significance to report. Maybe after a good night's sleep I'll remember lots more info. For now, I've had enough and I need some sleep.
Night x
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