How lucky am I? All the kids are out and it's just me and Waffle for the evening. Cannot remember the last time I was in the house on my own on a Saturday evening. The peace is wonderful and it's lovely not having to argue over the tv remote. We've had our evening walk and now we can settle down to doing nothing - bliss!!
Thankfully the kids were well enough to visit Michael today. He was in good spirits - my sister and brother-in-law were there when we arrived and they couldn't believe how well he looked. We had our 'picnic' lunch and I prepared Michael his mini latkes. How did I heat them you may ask. Well - take a plastic bag, a flask full of hot water, wrap the latke in the bag tightly and leave in the hot water until warm. Job done - and he managed to eat two which was amazing. I have to admit, a microwave would have been easier (but heavier to transport).
I didn't fancy coping with the Christmas shopping traffic so we didn't venture too far. Michael wrapped up warm and the kids took it in turns to push the wheelchair around the hospital grounds. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves - who needs theme parks?!?!
Back at the room Michael managed to eat 3/4 of a trifle and some more cheese & crackers. Still not convinced he's actually enjoying the food as opposed to just eating it. I know the Nutritionist said this is a new start and forget what's happened in the past but I can't help think he's never going to actually enjoy food but rather just eat it cause he has to. I hope I'm proved wrong. Meanwhile, the nurse told him he's not peeing enough and needs to drink more. If he doesn't, they'll have to connect him up to a drip. He says he can't drink that much more and is happy to just accept the drip. My thinking is, why have a drip connected when you can drink. But no, Michael doesn't see it that way and says he just can't drink that much. This is so frustrating - exactly the same as previous ops he's ever had - I could scream. Don't get me wrong - he's doing fantastically but.......
Surgeon popped his head round today. Think it was just a courtesy call as I assume he must have been on his way home to bed, having operated in the early hours and looking the most tired I have ever seen him. Apparently they are changing the antibiotics Michael is on. These are for transplant patients to stop PCP (which I believe is something everybody has and the antibiotics keep it dormant?). The only problem is, it's lowering Michael's white blood count too much. They've taken him off them, and all has been ok but as soon as he's back on, they lower again. So they are going to change this to another antibiotic. This is something he will be on for about 1 year. Only other important issue we had time to discuss was where you could purchase the best chips!!!
All too soon, it was time to leave again.
Well I'm off to watch rubbish tv - all on my own.
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