I have to say the change from Saturday to today was great. When I arrived this morning, Michael looked much (ok a little) more cheerful. He hasn't had a temperature for two days, which really is cause for celebration - although I am a little apprehensive about getting too excited as things seem to change (and not always for the better) so quickly. But, for the moment, things are definitely looking more positive. He's definitely not feeling as sick. He is still counting the hours until his next anti-sickness injection but hasn't vomitted as often. Although no temperature, he is still getting the sweats but that's usually at the time when he's feeling very nauseas.
Surgeon is delighted now that the virus seems to have worked it's way through the system. He is still suffering with achy joints but that hopefully will soon leave his system too. He has lost a little bit of weight although again nothing to worry about as he was higher than his usual weight anyway from being on tpn. They will obviously keep a close eye on this, together with his enteral (stomach/jejunum tube) feed and his magnesium levels which are sort of linked. He's still on 60ml per hour - not sure when they are thinking of increasing this and the optimum rate for Michael would be about 70/80ml - so he's not far off. I believe that at the moment, as he's not getting enough feed that's why his magnesium levels are low. Once this is increased, and hopefully he starts to eat, this will all level out. Again, no pressure whatsoever with food, although he has requested some cheese slices for tomorrow - as always I'll be there to help out if he doesn't want to eat them (and I wonder why he's losing the weight and I'm not!!!).
He is now off the antibiotic which all transplant patients are on post operative and he will continue to be off this for another week. They do believe being off this helped towards his body fighting off the virus. He will have to go back on this antibiotic or something similar but they don't want to rock the boat while things are looking so much better.
The Surgeon today even spoke about going home - obviously not right now, but just to think about it. I did question about going to the flat first and he did say we were only 1 hour away so that wasn't too problematic. I did mention about relocating to Scotland as Michael coming home seems a bit scary. Especially as we'd always assumed he would first move into the flat. He did also say if we wanted the flat it was of course always available. To be honest, why would he really want to be there, in his little room, when he could be in his own home? But that's still a way off so Michael and I said we wouldn't worry about it at all just yet. But it's great that the word 'home' was even mentioned.
Tonight I have promised myself an early night. It was a really busy weekend - which was lovely. Lots of socialising with friends and family, but exhausting. On Saturday evening I actually found myself in bed before the kids and for the first time I went to bed before one of the kids came home. I think it's all just catching up with me - getting out of bed is a nightmare and this morning, once I'd woken the kids I was tempted to climb back into bed but I knew Michael would be none to pleased. I have given myself an extra day off this week though - to catch up on some sleep and also the kids needs various things so it's off to the shops for my favourite past time (not)- shopping. Can't say it fills me with delight but the thought of saying goodbye to the kids and then climbing back into bed sounds so exciting - I'm counting the hours.
Feeling much more positive today though - so nice that Michael was brighter. We managed two walks today - doing a foot (size 8) more each time. It's all progress - just hope it continues!!
Just a quickie also to say thanks for everyone's support. I know I've said it before, but we have amazing friends and family - 'thank you' just doesn't seem to be enough but.......... THANK YOU!!!!
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