I wish there was something positive to say but unfortunately the only thing I can say is ....... frustrated, disappointed and depressed. Can't even be bothered to think about what's going on.
Michael's now on 10mg a day of steroids, and will also be put on further immuno-suppressants which will obviously further reduce his immunity. This will be for the long term - once you've had any sort of rejection, that's the usual course. He's likely to have another scope/biopsy on Tuesday and then we'll wait for the results. Not even going to bother telling you how I feel about all of this - wouldn't want to put my depression on you.
There is some fab news though - Michael's been chosen to be a torch bearer for the Olympics. That really is a 'wow'. No details yet but we'll let you know and expect you all there (wherever there is) lining the streets and cheering him along.
Looking forward to giving you some positive news. xx
hi justine, sarah b here from the frozen north (it really is frozen - our boiler packed in on friday afternoon...!!!). just to say hello and how I really understand how exhausted-and-stressed-and-yet-holding-it-all-together you must be feeling. the ups and downs are so unpredictable, aren't they? I know you and the kids are being completely amazing, but sometimes it's very hard to be amazing. there is nothing anyone can do or say to change your huge role right now; but for what it's worth my only advice is to please make sure you get enough calories inside you to stay awake! (especially on the motorway). I send you a big hug, and michael a gentle one. much love, sarah xx