Longest time that I haven't been to Oxford. Always planned not to be at the hospital on Wednesday and Thursday but last night I went to bed feeling quite lousy and then didn't really feel any better this morning. I managed to wake Lauren up (always taking the longest to get ready, she's up before the boys) and she then got dressed and ensured the boys got out of bed. I climbed back into bed - don't think I've ever done that but really didn't have the energy to do anything.
The kids were so sweet, all coming in before they left. They're not really used to me being the one who's unwell. Once they'd left, I was too awake to go back to sleep - just stayed in bed, with the electric blanket on, and read .... and read.... and read. Just so lovely to do absolutely nothing. Didn't really feel like food so just cups of tea for me. Then a lovely long bath and more reading. Not sure I've ever had a morning like that but honestly didn't have the energy for anything else. By the time I ventured out, it was almost lunchtime - just a walk to the shops to get some freshair for both me and Waffle. Normally I would always find something that needed doing in the house (or the garden) but today, absolutely nothing was getting done.
All too soon the kids were home - only 5 extra kids as well. Whilst writing, I'm actually hidden away in my bedroom!!! Can't hear anything too bad happening downstairs.
Michael had a rough day yesterday. Felt sicker than usual so they decided not to move his antisickness to his tube. Just one of those days, but as they explained today, if he gets one of those days at home, that's when we'd find ourselves back in Oxford. Better day today and they've have now changed the antisickness so when I speak to him later I'll find out if there was any different effect. Spoke to the Coordinator who told him she's unsure yet whether he'll be called to clinic once or twice at week initially but obviously this is all the stuff we'll find out before he comes home. Hoping we're still good for Tuessday but I get the feeling everything takes longer to organise than expected - the kids will be devastated if it's not Tuesday. As much as I stressed to them that it wasn't a definite, they've obviously been counting the days. Nothing I can do about it - we'll just see what transpires.
Meanwhile, Michael's extra sickness yesterday made me realise that it's no going to be plane sailing when he's home. I never expected it to but I guess it just highlighted the fact that there are going to be plenty of times when Michael's feeling particularly worse and we'll land up having to trek back to Oxford. Maybe the last 8 weeks have actually been the easy bit. Can't really worry about it all too much and, as always, we'll just cope. Think that part of it will perhaps be harder for the kids than what they've experienced so far :(
And more specifics on 'crowds'. Over 20 people in a room is a 'crowd' and therefore Michael's at too much risk of catching something. We can go to a indoor shopping centre but only at quiet times.
Still having problems keeping Michael's tac (tacromlimus) levels right. Keeps going up and down and at the moment he's got the shakes from it all. Nothing to panic about - some people do have this. It will just take some time to sort the levels out so he's more stable.
Hoping I'll be feeling up to to taking the kids to Oxford tomorrow.
It's already dark outside and I would be quite happy to change into my pjs and climb under the duvet. No such luck!! Roll on bedtime xx
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